Saturday, August 8, 2015

Long Time No See..

Wow, I can't believe I have abandoned this blog for such a long time. Life really got in the way of having lots of creative, free time. In the past year and a half, I got remarried to an amazing man. He is definitely the jelly to my PB & J. He keeps me on my toes (literally, he's 6'9'' and I'm only 5'7''), challenges me and encourages my dreams.  He has been one of my biggest supporters as I have spread my creative wings out and quilted more.  He has also been my cheerleader as I started the process to go back to school to finish my degree. I'm sure that being a teacher and a firm believer in higher education had something to do with that.

 I decided to go back to the lovely University of South Florida but changed my major from Fine Arts Studio to Environmental Science & Policies.  I think this degree will open many doors for me, especially here in Florida. My hope is work in environmental emergency response or possibly with beach/water habitat recovery.  It'll be interesting to see where this takes me, but I've always been an "environmental hippie"/"tree hugger"type. Don't worry, I'm not the super obnoxious type that will lecture you on why you should recycle (though the Hubs has gotten his fair share lol). I only have about a year left before holding that wonderful, expensive piece of paper that says I'm smart. I seriously can not wait to walk across that stage!

I'm still staying crafty, but the whole icky studying thing gets in the way sometimes. I'll try to update this blog with projects I'm working on because you always need to have a creative outlet to destress and clear your mind. I'll also post a few brief updates on projects I've done in the past 18 months.

Have a great day and a happy heart!

-Kerri Elan